Thursday, October 17, 2013

The Dirty Eleven

Riparian Fellowship

Eleven painting friends convened at Deer Island today, in the middle of the Merrimack River between Newburyport and Amesbury, Massachusetts, for some fresh air, laughter and, yes, some painting.  Thanks to Todd Bonita there were plenteous muffins and, thanks to Tom Bailey, a vat of hot java.

There was river fog to begin, but soon it brightened up, becoming a sunny day at 72 degrees. Here's a photo of the view downstream, toward the ocean.

And a photo of the assembled group...

L-R, Back Row: Barrett McDevitt, Stan Moeller, Frank Hyer, DJ, Tom Bailey. L-R, front row: Brent Rosko, Alastair Dacey, Chris Volpe, Todd Bonita, Nick Corvinus, Mike Dorsey

Barrett, Stan, a sliver of Tom, DJ....all hard at work

Todd, Frank, Barrett, Chris, and a sliver of Stan...all equally hard at work.
Mike, Chris, Tom, DJ, Brent?, and Alastair, discussing the meaning of life.   

Todd demonstrating that real men aren't bothered by high tide

Chris and Alastair

What's His Name
Nick getting his feet wet


Apologies to Stan and Tom, to whom I didn't say goodbye as I slinked off.
Thanks to Nick for his great photos.

We shall do it again.


  1. Hahaaaa...The dirty eleven!!!...Love it. , I for one love the company and energy of other artist and had a great day thanks to you all...lets definitely do it again.

  2. Lucky devils! Good photos. "What's his name'" has got the horizon in the center of the canvas/board ;D !

    Looks like there were some good paintings being done.

  3. Was Stan in the same spot? From here canvas his looks very urban. We are all very jealous over in France, would have loved to have been there.

  4. Great day with a great crew. Let's do it again soon (before the snow flies).

  5. Looks like a great group! No women allowed I presume.What, are you guys afraid of a little drama?

  6. I speak for us all, when I speak of Tod's....what other word can I use but "heroic" effort to get his image or sink into the mire and muck! What a man...what a raptorian.... Raptorians raise your glass!
