Saturday, July 27, 2013

From the Archives

Some Disparate Things

Noodling through the archives before bedtime tonight I came across some things that might amuse you.

First, the invitation card for my first-ever exhibition, a three-day affair in October, 1977.

And the price list for the exhibition (US$):

The price list was made on a typewriter (a machine which some of you may remember).

In June 1980, returning at dusk from a painting expedition with my friend and fellow-artist George Wingate, I made this quick sanguine drawing of the sign for a tourist camp.

In the summer of 1982, I went camping with artist friends in the Adirondacks. We painted late into the evening, and wound up cooking over our campfire, under a bright moon. Here's watercolor record of the scene.

Here's a drawing, about actual size, which became a 50x60" (125x150cm) painting.

Here's a six-foot wide painting (180cm).


A drawing, from the rear of a train, at Stevenage, Hertfordshire. I've always intended to try a painting from this and, now that I've found it, I may just do that.

To end, here's a "sampler" which hangs out in my studio (oil on panel, 20" x 20", 50x50cm).

I hope you've enjoyed this gallimaufry of images. 

Remember to try lots of different things. It will keep you fresh.


  1. Great post! Thanks for the look at some of your early work. Love that first pencil sketch.

    1. Thanks, Bruce. That drawing is #15 on the pricelist. It didn't find a buyer and I still have it. At $55.00 (framed) it was apparently a bit steep in 1977.
